Chenfeng Zhao, Clayton J Faber, Roger D Chamberlain, and Xuan Zhang.
HLPerf: Demystifying the performance of HLS-based graph neural
networks with dataflow architectures.
ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems,
18(1):2:1--2:26, March 2025.
[ bib |
Clayton J. Faber and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Application of network calculus models to heterogeneous streaming
International Journal of Networking and Computing,
15(1):51--63, January 2025.
[ bib |
Marion Sudvarg, Daisy Wang, Jeremy Buhler, and Chris Gill.
Subtask-level elastic scheduling.
In Proc. of IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), pages
388--401, December 2024.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Shijing Liang.
Modeling the Performance and Resource Requirements for Gamma-Ray
Telescope Signal Processing.
Master's thesis, Dept. of Electrical and Systems Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis, December 2024.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Ye Htet, Marion Sudvarg, Drew Butzel, Jeremy D. Buhler, Roger D. Chamberlain,
and James H. Buckley.
Machine learning aboard the ADAPT gamma-ray telescope.
In Proc. of Workshops of the International Conference on High
Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis (SC-W), November 2024.
Presented at 5th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning for Scientific Applications (AI4S), Atlanta, GA, USA.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Chenfeng Zhao.
Efficient Computation Using Near-Memory Processing and
High-Level Synthesis.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington
University in St. Louis, August 2024.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Samatha Kodali, Jeremy Manin, Lissette Torres-Escobedo, Run Zhang, Chandler
Ahrens, Chris Gill, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Catoptric surface characteristics and visual feedback control.
In Proc. of 19th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and
Applications (ICIEA), August 2024.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Marion Sudvarg, Ye Htet, Sanjoy Baruah, Jeremy Buhler, Roger Chamberlain, Chris
Gill, and Jim Buckley.
Adaptive execution for real-time observations of astrophysical
In Proc. of 13th International Real-Time Scheduling Open
Problems Seminar (RTSOPS), July 2024.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Marion Sudvarg.
Improved Models of Elastic Scheduling.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington
University in St. Louis, May 2024.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Clayton J. Faber and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Application of network calculus models to heterogeneous streaming
In Proc. of IEEE International Parallel and Distributed
Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), pages 198--201, May 2024.
Presented at 26th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed
Computational Models (APDCM), San Fransisco, CA, USA.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Clayton Faber.
Improving and Modeling Heterogeneous Streaming Computation.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington
University in St. Louis, May 2024.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Marion Sudvarg, Ao Li, Daisy Wang, Sanjoy Baruah, Jeremy Buhler, Pontus Ekberg,
Chris Gill, and Ning Zhang.
Elastic scheduling for harmonic task systems.
In Proc. of IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and
Applications Symposium (RTAS), May 2024.
Received RTAS Artifact Evaluated seal.
[ bib |
pdf |
https://github.com/msudvarg/elastic-harmonic ]
Ruoxi Wang.
Enhancing FPGA Synthesis for Space Applications: Performance
Evaluation of ScaleHLS in the ADAPT Project.
Master's thesis, Dept. of Electrical and Systems Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis, May 2024.
[ bib |
pdf ]
James H. Buckley, Jeremy Buhler, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
The Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope (APT): Computation in
In Proc. of 21st ACM International Conference on Computing
Frontiers Workshops and Special Sessions, pages 122--127, May 2024.
Invited paper at the conference Special Session on Computer
Architectures in Space (CompSpace).
[ bib |
pdf ]
Marion Sudvarg, Chenfeng Zhao, Ye Htet, Meagan Konst, Thomas Lang, Nick Song,
Roger D. Chamberlain, Jeremy Buhler, and James H. Buckley.
HLS taking flight: Toward using high-level synthesis techniques in
a space-borne instrument.
In Proc. of 21st ACM International Conference on Computing
Frontiers (CF), pages 115--125, May 2024.
ACM Badges: Artifacts Evaluated - Functional, Artifacts Available,
Results Reproduced.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Jamie Shin, Marion Sudvarg, Jeremy Buhler, James Buckley, and the
APT Collaboration.
Accelerating Compton Imaging of Astrophysical Sources in Python.
In 21st Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics
Division (HEAD). American Astronomical Society, April 2024.
[ bib |
pdf |
Posters/HEAD2024_compton_imaging_poster.pdf ]
Ye Htet, Marion Sudvarg, Jeremy Buhler, Roger Chamberlain, James Buckley, and
the APT Collaboration.
A Computational Pipeline for Prompt Gamma-Ray Burst Localization
Aboard APT and ADAPT.
In 21st Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics
Division (HEAD). American Astronomical Society, April 2024.
[ bib |
pdf |
Posters/HEAD2024_pipeline_poster.pdf ]
Marion Sudvarg, Ye Htet, Jeremy Buhler, Roger Chamberlain, Chris Gill, James
Buckley, Wenlei Chen, and the APT Collaboration.
Adaptive Real-Time Computation for Prompt Localization of
In 21st Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics
Division (HEAD). American Astronomical Society, April 2024.
[ bib |
pdf |
Posters/HEAD2024_apt_real_time_poster.pdf ]
Marion Sudvarg, Zhuoran Sun, Ao Li, Chris Gill, and Ning Zhang.
Priority-based concurrency and shared resource access mechanisms for
nested intercomponent requests in CAmkES.
Real-Time Systems, 60:76--107, March 2024.
[ bib |
Daisy Wang.
Real-time Analysis of Aerosol Size Distributions with the Fast
Integrated Mobility Spectrometer (FIMS).
Master's thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis, December 2023.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Marion Sudvarg, Chris Gill, and Jeremy Buhler.
Subtask-level elasticity for federated scheduling of parallel tasks.
In Proc. of Workshop on Optimization for Embedded and Real-time
Systems (OPERA), December 2023.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Ye Htet, Marion Sudvarg, Jeremy Buhler, Roger D. Chamberlain, and James H.
Localization of gamma-ray bursts in a balloon-borne telescope.
In Proc. of Workshops of the International Conference on High
Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis (SC-W), pages
395--398, November 2023.
Presented at 1st Workshop on Enabling Predictive Science with
Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification in HPC (EPSOUQ-HPC), Denver, CO,
[ bib |
pdf ]
Chenfeng Zhao, Zehao Dong, Yixin Chen, Xuan Zhang, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
GNNHLS: evaluating graph neural network interence via high-level
In Proc. of 41st IEEE International Conference on Computer
Design (ICCD), November 2023.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Daisy Wang, Jiaoshi Zhang, Jeremy Buhler, and Jian Wang.
Real-time analysis of aerosol size distributions with the fast
integrated mobility spectrometer (FIMS).
In 41st Conference of American Association for Aerosol Research
(AAAR), October 2023.
[ bib |
pdf |
Posters/Wang_et_al_AAAR23.pdf ]
Tim Bell, Roger D. Chamberlain, Chris Edmiston, Addison Elliott, and Todd
Efficient monitoring of livestock feed inventories.
In Proc. of IEEE Conference on AgriFood Electronics (CAFE),
September 2023.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Justin Deters, Peyton Gozon, Max Camp–Oberhauser, and Ron K. Cytron.
Feature-oriented FSMs for FPGAs.
In Proc. of IEEE High-Performance Extreme Computing Conference
(HPEC), September 2023.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Marion Sudvarg, Jeremy Buhler, Roger D. Chamberlain, Chris Gill, James Buckley,
and Wenlei Chen.
Parameterized workload adaptation for fork-join tasks with dynamic
workloads and deadlines.
In Proc. of IEEE 29th International Conference on Embedded and
Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), pages 232--242, August
[ bib |
pdf ]
Run Zhang.
Mirror Position Detection in a Catoptric Surface.
Master's thesis, Dept. of Electrical and Systems Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis, August 2023.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Ye Htet, Marion Sudvarg, Jeremy Buhler, Roger D. Chamberlain, Wenlei Chen,
James H. Buckley, Corrado Altomare, Matthew Andrew, Blake Bal, Richard G.
Bose, Dana L Braun, Eric Burns, Michael L. Cherry, Leonardo Di Venere,
Jeffrey Dumonthier, Manel Errando, Stefan Funk, Priya Ghosh, Francesco
Giordano, Jonah Hoffman, Zachary Hughes, Aera Jung, Patrick L. Kelly, John F.
Krizmanic, Makiko Kuwahara, Francesco Licciulli, Gang Liu, Leonarda Lorusso,
Mario Nicola Mazziotta, John Grant Mitchell, John W. Mitchell, Georgia A.
de Nolfo, Giuliana Panzarini, Richard Peschke, Riccardo Paoletti, Roberta
Pillera, Brian Flint Rauch, Davide Serini, Garry E Simburger, George Suarez,
Teresa Tatoli, Gary S. Varner, Eric A. Wulf, Adrian Zink, and Wolfgang V.
Prompt and Accurate GRB Source Localization Aboard the Advanced
Particle Astrophysics Telescope (APT) and its Antarctic Demonstrator
In Proc. of 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference —
PoS(ICRC2023), volume 444, pages 956:1--956:9, July 2023.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Marion Sudvarg, Ye Htet, Roger D. Chamberlain, Jeremy Buhler, Blake Bal,
Corrado Altomare, Davide Serini, Mario Nicola Mazziotta, Leonardo Di
Venere, Wenlei Chen, James H. Buckley, Ulysses Atekson, Meagan Konst, Thomas
Lang, Shun Li, Diana Pacheco-Garcia, Nick Song, Chenfeng Zhao, Zhiting Zhou,
Matthew Andrew, Richard G. Bose, Dana L Braun, Eric Burns, Michael L. Cherry,
Jeffrey Dumonthier, Manel Errando, Stefan Funk, Priya Ghosh, Francesco
Giordano, Jonah Hoffman, Zachary Hughes, Aera Jung, Patrick L. Kelly, John F.
Krizmanic, Makiko Kuwahara, Francesco Licciulli, Gang Liu, Leonarda Lorusso,
John Grant Mitchell, John W. Mitchell, Georgia A. de Nolfo, Giuliana
Panzarini, Richard Peschke, Riccardo Paoletti, Roberta Pillera, Brian Flint
Rauch, Garry E Simburger, George Suarez, Teresa Tatoli, Gary S. Varner,
Eric A. Wulf, Adrian Zink, and Wolfgang V. Zober.
Front-End Computational Modeling and Design for the Antarctic
Demonstrator for the Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope.
In Proc. of 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference —
PoS(ICRC2023), volume 444, pages 764:1--764:9, July 2023.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Jinwen Wang, Yuhao Wu, Han Liu, Bo Yuan, Roger Chamberlain, and Ning Zhang.
IP protection in TinyML.
In Proc. of 60th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC).
IEEE, July 2023.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Justin Deters and Ron Cytron.
Feature-oriented cache designs.
In Proc. of Seventh Workshop on Computer Architecture Research
with RISC-V (CARRV), June 2023.
[ bib |
pdf |
https://carrv.github.io/2023/ ]
Stephen Timcheck.
Throughput Optimizations for Irregular Dataflow Streaming
Applications on Wide-SIMD Architectures.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington
University in St. Louis, May 2023.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Marion Sudvarg, Sanjoy Baruah, and Chris Gill.
Elastic scheduling for fixed-priority constrained-deadline tasks.
In Proc. of 26th IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time
Distributed Computing (ISORC). IEEE, May 2023.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Chenfeng Zhao, Roger D. Chamberlain, and Xuan Zhang.
Supercut: Communication-aware partitioning for near-memory graph
In Proc. of 20th ACM International Conference on Computing
Frontiers (CF), pages 44--53. ACM, May 2023.
[ bib |
pdf ]
James Buckley and the APT Collaboration.
The ADAPT mission: The antarctic demonstrator for the advanced
particle astrophysics telescope.
In 20th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics
Division (HEAD). American Astronomical Society, March 2023.
[ bib |
pdf |
Posters/HEAD2023_jb_poster.pdf ]
Wenlei Chen, James Buckley, Roger Chamberlain, Marion Sudvarg, and the
APT Collaboration.
The advanced particle-astrophysics telescope: Reconstruction of the
MeV gamma-ray sky and estimation of point-source sensitivity in the
presence of the background.
In 20th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics
Division (HEAD). American Astronomical Society, March 2023.
[ bib |
pdf |
Posters/HEAD2023_wenlei_poster.pdf ]
Ye Htet, Marion Sudvarg, Jeremy Buhler, Roger Chamberlain, James Buckley, and
the APT Collaboration.
Prompt, accurate localization of gamma-ray bursts in the advanced
particle-astrophysics telescope.
In 20th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics
Division (HEAD). American Astronomical Society, March 2023.
[ bib |
pdf |
Posters/HEAD2023_apt_back_end_poster.pdf ]
Marion Sudvarg, Meagan Konst, Thomas Lang, Diana Pacheco-Garcia, Roger
Chamberlain, Jeremy Buhler, and the APT Collaboration.
Design of front-end signal processing for the advanced
particle-astrophysics telescope.
In 20th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics
Division (HEAD). American Astronomical Society, March 2023.
[ bib |
pdf |
Posters/HEAD2023_apt_front_end_poster.pdf ]
Stephen Timcheck and Jeremy Buhler.
Interruptible nodes: Reducing queueing costs in irregular streaming
dataflow applications on wide-SIMD architectures.
International Journal of Parallel Programming, 51(1):43--60,
February 2023.
[ bib |
Meagan S. Konst.
Applying HLS to FPGA data preprocessing in the Advanced
Particle-astrophysics Telescope.
Master's thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis, December 2022.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Samatha Kodali.
Measuring the Effectiveness of Light Concentration with the
Catoptric Surface.
Master's thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis, December 2022.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Clayton J. Faber, Steven D. Harris, Zhili Xiao, Roger D. Chamberlain, and
Anthony M. Cabrera.
Challenges designing for FPGAs using high-level synthesis.
In Proc. of IEEE High-Performance Extreme Computing Conference
(HPEC), September 2022.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Marion Sudvarg and Chris Gill.
A concurrency framework for priority-aware intercomponent requests in
CAmkES on seL4.
In Proc. of 28th International Conference on Embedded and
Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), pages 1--10. IEEE,
August 2022.
Recipient of the best paper award.
[ bib |
pdf |
https://www.sudvarg.com/priority-aware-camkes/ ]
Stephen Timcheck and Jeremy Buhler.
Interruptible nodes: Reducing queueing costs in irregular streaming
dataflow applications on wide-SIMD architectures.
In 15th Int'l Symp. on High-level Parallel Programming and
Applications, July 2022.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Chenfeng Zhao, Roger D. Chamberlain, and Xuan Zhang.
Graph partitioning for near memory processing.
In In-Memory Architectures and Computing Applications Workshop
(iMACAW), July 2022.
[ bib |
pdf |
Posters/Zhao_et_al_iMACAW22.pdf ]
Marion Sudvarg, Jeremy Buhler, Roger Chamberlain, Chris Gill, and James
Work in Progress: Real-Time GRB Localization for the Advanced
Particle-astrophysics Telescope.
In Proc. of 15th Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for
Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT), pages 57--61, July 2022.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Marion Sudvarg and Chris Gill.
Analysis of federated scheduling for integer-valued workloads.
In Proc. of 30th International Conference and Real-Time Networks
and Systems (RTNS), pages 12--23, June 2022.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Bryan Orabutt.
Design & Analysis of Mixed-mode Integrated Circuit for Pulse-shape
Master's thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis, May 2022.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Zihao Chen.
A reconfigurable FPGA overlay architecture for matrix-matrix
Master's thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis, May 2022.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Tim Bell, Todd Steinbrueck, Roger D. Chamberlain, and Brian Rieck.
IoT benefits for livestock farmers.
In Proc. of 18th International Conference on Distributed
Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), pages 159--166, May 2022.
Presented at 4th International Workshop on IoT Applications and
Industry 4.0 (IoTI4), Marina del Rey, CA, USA.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Chenfeng Zhao, Xuan Zhang, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Executing data integration effectively and efficiently near the
IEEE Design & Test, 29(2):65--73, April 2022.
[ bib |
Stephen Timcheck and Jeremy Buhler.
Reducing queuing impact in streaming applications with irregular
Parallel Computing, 109:102863, March 2022.
[ bib |
Zhili Xiao.
A case study on HLS portability from Intel to Xilinx FPGAs.
Master's thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis, December 2021.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Jacob Wheelock, William Kanu, Marion Sudvarg, Zhili Xiao, Jeremy D. Buhler,
Roger D. Chamberlain, and James H. Buckley.
Supporting multi-messenger astrophysics with fast gamma-ray burst
In Proc. of IEEE/ACM HPC for Urgent Decision Making Workshop
(UrgentHPC), November 2021.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Clayton J. Faber, Tom Plano, Samatha Kodali, Zhili Xiao, Abhishek Dwaraki,
Jeremy D. Buhler, Roger D. Chamberlain, and Anthony M. Cabrera.
Platform agnostic streaming data application performance models.
In Proc. of IEEE/ACM Workshop on Redefining Scalability for
Diversely Heterogeneous Architectures (RSDHA), November 2021.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Marion Sudvarg, Jacob Wheelock, Jeremy D. Buhler, James H. Buckley, and Wenlei
Parallel GRB source localization pipelines for the advanced
particle-astrophysics telescope.
In Proc. of IEEE/ACM International Conference for High
Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC), November
[ bib |
pdf |
Posters/Sudvarg_et_al_SC21.pdf ]
Marion Sudvarg, Chris Gill, and Sanjoy Baruah.
Linear-time admission control for elastic scheduling.
Real-Time Systems, 57(4):485--490, October 2021.
[ bib |
Zhili Xiao, Roger D. Chamberlain, and Anthony M. Cabrera.
HLS portability from Intel to Xilinx: A case study.
In Proc. of IEEE High-Performance Extreme Computing Conference
(HPEC), September 2021.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Jeremy Buhler, Thomas Lavastida, Kefu Lu, and Benjamin Moseley.
A scalable approximation algorithm for weighted longest common
In Proc.of 27st International European Conference on Parallel
and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), volume 12820 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 368--384. August 2021.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Tom Plano and Jeremy Buhler.
Enabling real-time irregular data-flow pipelines on SIMD devices.
In Proc. of 50th International Conference on Parallel
Processing Workshops, pages 9:1--9:8, August 2021.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Bryan Orabutt, Roger D. Chamberlain, Jonathan Elson, George Engel, Franck
Delaunay, and Lee G. Sobotka.
Design of mixed-mode systems for pulse-shape discrimination.
In Proc. of IEEE 64th International Midwest Symposium on
Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), pages 990--994, August 2021.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Marion Sudvarg, Jeremy Buhler, James H. Buckley, Wenlei Chen, Zachary Hughes,
Emily Ramey, Michael L. Cherry, Samer Alnussirat, Ryan Larm, Christofer
Chungata, Corrado Altomare, Richard G. Bose, Dana L Braun, Eric Burns,
Roger D. Chamberlain, Leonardo Di Venere, Jeffrey Dumonthier, Manel Errando,
Stefan Funk, Francesco Giordano, Jonah Hoffman, Dawson J. Huth, Patrick L.
Kelly, John F. Krizmanic, Makiko Kuwahara, Francesco Licciulli, Gang Liu,
Mario Nicola Mazziotta, John Grant Mitchell, John W. Mitchell, Georgia A.
de Nolfo, Riccardo Paoletti, Roberta Pillera, Brian Flint Rauch, Davide
Serini, Garry E Simburger, George Suarez, Teresa Tatoli, Gary S. Varner,
Eric A. Wulf, Adrian Zink, and Wolfgang V. Zober.
A Fast GRB Source Localization Pipeline for the Advanced
Particle-astrophysics Telescope.
In Proc. of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference —
PoS(ICRC2021), volume 395, pages 588:1--588:9, July 2021.
[ bib |
pdf ]
James Buckley, Samer Alnussirat, Corrado Altomare, Richard G. Bose, Dana L
Braun, James H. Buckley, Jeremy Buhler, Eric Burns, Roger D. Chamberlain,
Wenlei Chen, Michael L. Cherry, Leonardo Di Venere, Jeffrey Dumonthier, Manel
Errando, Stefan Funk, Francesco Giordano, Jonah Hoffman, Zachary Hughes,
Dawson J. Huth, Patrick L. Kelly, John F. Krizmanic, Makiko Kuwahara,
Francesco Licciulli, Gang Liu, Mario Nicola Mazziotta, John Grant Mitchell,
John W. Mitchell, Georgia A. de Nolfo, Riccardo Paoletti, Roberta Pillera,
Brian Flint Rauch, Davide Serini, Garry E Simburger, Marion Sudvarg, George
Suarez, Teresa Tatoli, Gary S. Varner, Eric A. Wulf, Adrian Zink, and
Wolfgang V. Zober.
The Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope (APT) Project Status.
In Proc. of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference —
PoS(ICRC2021), volume 395, pages 655:1--655:9, July 2021.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Wenlei Chen, James H. Buckley, Samer Alnussirat, Corrado Altomare, Richard G.
Bose, Dana L Braun, Jeremy Buhler, Eric Burns, Roger D. Chamberlain,
Michael L. Cherry, Leonardo Di Venere, Jeffrey Dumonthier, Manel Errando,
Stefan Funk, Francesco Giordano, Jonah Hoffman, Zachary Hughes, Dawson J.
Huth, Patrick L. Kelly, John F. Krizmanic, Makiko Kuwahara, Francesco
Licciulli, Gang Liu, Mario Nicola Mazziotta, John Grant Mitchell, John W.
Mitchell, Georgia A. de Nolfo, Riccardo Paoletti, Roberta Pillera,
Brian Flint Rauch, Davide Serini, Garry E Simburger, Marion Sudvarg, George
Suarez, Teresa Tatoli, Gary S. Varner, Eric A. Wulf, Adrian Zink, and
Wolfgang V. Zober.
The Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope: Simulation of the
Instrument Performance for Gamma-Ray Detection.
In Proc. of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference —
PoS(ICRC2021), volume 395, pages 590:1--590:9, July 2021.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Zachary Hughes, Samer Alnussirat, Corrado Altomare, Richard G. Bose, Dana L
Braun, James H. Buckley, Jeremy Buhler, Eric Burns, Roger D. Chamberlain,
Wenlei Chen, Michael L. Cherry, Leonardo Di Venere, Jeffrey Dumonthier, Manel
Errando, Stefan Funk, Francesco Giordano, Jonah Hoffman, Dawson J. Huth,
Patrick L. Kelly, John F. Krizmanic, Makiko Kuwahara, Francesco Licciulli,
Gang Liu, Mario Nicola Mazziotta, John Grant Mitchell, John W. Mitchell,
Georgia A. de Nolfo, Riccardo Paoletti, Roberta Pillera, Brian Flint Rauch,
Davide Serini, Garry E Simburger, Marion Sudvarg, George Suarez, Teresa
Tatoli, Gary S. Varner, Eric A. Wulf, Adrian Zink, and Wolfgang V. Zober.
Characterization of a prototype imaging calorimeter for the Advanced
Particle-astrophysics Telescope from an Antarctic balloon flight and CERN
beam test.
In Proc. of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference —
PoS(ICRC2021), volume 395, pages 137:1--137:9, July 2021.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Justin Deters.
Novel hardware design variation through feature-oriented programming.
In Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) Student
Research Competition, June 2021.
[ bib |
Posters/PLDI_SRC_2021_Poster.pdf ]
Justin Deters and Ron Cytron.
Performance counter design variation in rocket chip via
feature-oriented programming.
In Proc. of Fifth Workshop on Computer Architecture Research
with RISC-V (CARRV), June 2021.
[ bib |
pdf |
https://carrv.github.io/2021/ ]
Anthony M. Cabrera, Aaron R. Young, Jacob Lambert, Zhili Xiao, Amy An, Seyong
Lee, Zheming Jin, Jungwon Kim, Jeremy Buhler, Roger D. Chamberlain, and
Jeffrey S. Vetter.
Toward evaluating high-level synthesis portability and performance
between Intel and Xilinx FPGAs.
In Proc. of 9th International Workshop on OpenCL (IWOCL),
April 2021.
Collaborative work with Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Univ. of
[ bib |
pdf ]
Michael J. Hall, Neil E. Olson, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Utilizing virtualized hardware logic computations to benefit
multi-user performance.
Electronics, 10(6):665, March 2021.
[ bib |
Stephen W. Timcheck and Jeremy D. Buhler.
Reducing queueing impact in irregular data streaming applications.
In Proc. of IEEE/ACM 10th Workshop on Irregular Applications:
Architectures and Algorithms (IA3), pages 22--30, November 2020.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Bryan Orabutt, Roger Chamberlain, Jonathan Elson, George Engel, and Lee
Applied optimization on mixed mode systems for pulse shape
In Bulletin of the American Physical Society, October 2020.
[ bib |
pdf |
https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DNP20/Session/DN.4 ]
Darko Ivanovich, Amit Deliwala, Chenfeng Zhao, Viktor Gruev, Xuan Zhang, and
Roger D. Chamberlain.
Chip-to-chip optical data communications using polarization division
In Proc. of IEEE High-Performance Extreme Computing Conference
(HPEC), September 2020.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Anthony M. Cabrera and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Design and performance evaluation of optimizations for OpenCL FPGA
In Proc. of IEEE High-Performance Extreme Computing Conference
(HPEC), September 2020.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Steven Harris, Roger D. Chamberlain, and Christopher Gill.
OpenCL performance on the Intel Heterogeneous Architecture
Research Platform.
In Proc. of IEEE High-Performance Extreme Computing Conference
(HPEC), September 2020.
[ bib |
pdf |
https://github.com/professorengima/OpenCL-HPEC-2020 ]
Roger D. Chamberlain.
Architecturally truly diverse systems: A review.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 110:33--44, September 2020.
[ bib |
Anthony M. Cabrera.
Domain Specific Computing in Tightly-Coupled Heterogeneous
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington
University in St. Louis, August 2020.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Z. Hughes, J. Buckley, L. Bergstrom, W. Binns, J. Buhler, W. Chen, M. Cherry,
S. Funk, D. Hooper, J. Mitchell, G. De Nolfo, S. Al Nussirat, S. Profumo,
B. Rauch, D. Stern, G. Varner, S. Wakely, and A. Zink.
Report of 2019 APTlite balloon flight.
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 52(3), June
Poster link:
[ bib |
https://baas.aas.org/pub/aas236-142p04-hughes ]
Steven D. Harris.
Investigating Single Precision Floating General Matrix Multiply in
Heterogeneous Hardware.
Master's thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis, May 2020.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Anthony M. Cabrera and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Designing domain specific computing systems.
In Proc. of IEEE 28th International Symposium on
Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), May 2020.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Roger D. Chamberlain and Todd Steinbrueck.
Demo abstract: More than two decades of IoT.
In Proc. of ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet of
Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI), April 2020.
[ bib |
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Tom Plano and Jeremy Buhler.
Scheduling irregular dataflow pipelines on SIMD architectures.
In Proc. of 6th Wkshp. on Programming Models for SIMD/Vector
Processing, February 2020.
[ bib |
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Stephen Timcheck and Jeremy Buhler.
Streaming computations with region-based state on SIMD
In Proc. of 13th Int'l Wkshp. on Programmability and
Architectures for Heterogeneous Multicores, January 2020.
[ bib |
pdf ]
James Buckley, Lars Bergstrom, Bob Binns, Jeremy Buhler, Wenlei Chen, Michael
Cherry, Stefan Funk, Dan Hooper, John Mitchell, Georgia De Nolfo, Samer Al
Nussirat, Stefano Profumo, Brian Rauch, Daniel Stern, Garry Varner, Scott
Wakely, and Adrian Zink.
The Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope (APT).
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 51(7), September
[ bib |
https://baas.aas.org/pub/2020n7i078 ]
Anthony M. Cabrera, Roger D. Chamberlain, and Jonathan C. Beard.
Multi-spectral reuse distance: Divining spatial information from
temporal data.
In Proc. of IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference
(HPEC), September 2019.
[ bib |
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Darko Ivanovich.
Polarization Division Multiplexing for Optical Data
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington
University in St. Louis, August 2019.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Tim Bell, Roger D. Chamberlain, Mike Chambers, Brian Rieck, and Todd
Security on the farm: Safely communicating with legacy agricultural
In Proc. of 15th International Conference on Distributed
Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), pages 192--194, May 2019.
[ bib |
pdf |
Posters/Bell_et_al_DCOSS19.pdf ]
Roger D. Chamberlain, Mike Chambers, Darren Greenwalt, Maria Scharth, Brett
Steinbrueck, Todd Steinbrueck, and David Thomas.
Water in the cloud: Understanding water chemistry via the internet of
In Proc. of 15th International Conference on Distributed
Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), pages 408--415, May 2019.
Presented at 1st International Workshop on IoT Applications and
Industry 4.0 (IoTI4), Santorini, Greece.
[ bib |
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Anthony M. Cabrera and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Exploring portability and performance of OpenCL FPGA kernels on
Intel HARPv2.
In Proc. of 7th International Workshop on OpenCL (IWOCL), May
Received Best Presentation award.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Clayton J. Faber, Anthony M. Cabrera, Oronde Booker, Gabe Maayan, and Roger D.
Data integration tasks on heterogeneous systems using OpenCL.
In Proc. of 7th International Workshop on OpenCL (IWOCL), May
[ bib |
pdf |
Posters/Faber_et_al_IWOCL19.pdf ]
Chandler Ahrens, Roger Chamberlain, Scott Mitchell, Adam Barnstorff, and Joshua
Controlling daylight reflectance with cyber-physical systems.
In Proc. of 24th International Conference on Computer-Aided
Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), volume 1, pages 433--442,
April 2019.
[ bib |
pdf |
http://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/paper/caadria2019_413 ]
Chandler Ahrens, Roger D. Chamberlain, Scott Mitchell, and Adam Barnstorff.
Catoptric surface.
In Proc. of 38th Conference of Association for Computer Aided
Design in Architecture (ACADIA), pages 216--225, October 2018.
[ bib |
pdf |
http://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?acadia18_216 ]
Roger D. Chamberlain Ron K. Cytron, Doug Shook, and Bill Siever.
Computers interacting with the physical world: A first-year course.
In Proc. of Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems
Education (WESE), October 2018.
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Roger D. Chamberlain, Chandler Ahrens, Christopher Gill, and Scott A. Mitchell.
Work-in-progress: Hierarchical control of a catoptric surface.
In Proc. of International Conference on Embedded Software
(EMSOFT), October 2018.
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Lin Ma, Roger D. Chamberlain, Kunal Agrawal, Chen Tian, and Ziang Hu.
Analysis of classic algorithms on highly-threaded many-core
Future Generation Computer Systems, 82:528--543, May 2018.
[ bib |
Anthony M Cabrera, Clayton J Faber, Kyle Cepeda, Robert Derber, Cooper Epstein,
Jason Zheng, Ron K Cytron, and Roger D Chamberlain.
DIBS: A data integration benchmark suite.
In Proc. of ACM/SPEC Int'l Conf. on Performance Engineering
Companion, pages 25--28, April 2018.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Roger D. Chamberlain, Chris Edmiston, and Don Williams.
Automated titration in a recirculating water system.
In Proc. of 4th International Workshop on Cyber-Physical
Systems for Smart Water Networks (CySWater), pages 12--15, April 2018.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Michael J. Hall, Viktor Gruev, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Characterization of a binary output resistance-to-voltage read
circuit for sensing magnetic tunnel junctions.
IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(3):1023--1031, February 2018.
[ bib |
Darko Ivanovich, Samuel B. Powell, Viktor Gruev, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Polarization division multiplexing for optical data communications.
In Proc. of SPIE 10538, Optical Interconnects XVIII, 2018.
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pdf ]
Roger D. Chamberlain, Mike Chambers, Darren Greenwalt, Brett Steinbrueck, and
Todd Steinbrueck.
Devices can be secure and easy to install on the internet of things.
In R. Gravina, C.E. Palau, M. Manso, A. Liotta, and G. Fortino,
editors, Interconnection, Integration, and Interoperability of IoT
Systems, volume 8721 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages
59--76. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2018.
[ bib |
Michael J. Hall and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Virtualization of deeply pipelined magnetologic.
In Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Rebooting Computing, November 2017.
[ bib |
Posters/icrc_poster_42x36.pdf ]
Roger D. Chamberlain.
Assessing user preferences in programming language design.
In Proc. ACM Int'l Symp. on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and
Reflections on Programming and Software (Onward!), pages 18--29, October
[ bib |
pdf ]
Stephen V. Cole.
Efficiently and Transparently Maintaining High SIMD Occupancy
in the Presence of Wavefront Irregularity.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington
University in St. Louis, August 2017.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Stephen V. Cole and Jeremy Buhler.
MERCATOR: a GPGPU framework for irregular streaming applications.
In Proc. of 15th Int'l Conf. on High Performance Computing and
Simulation (HPCS), pages 727--736, July 2017.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Roger D. Chamberlain, Mike Chambers, Darren Greenwalt, Brett Steinbrueck, and
Todd Steinbrueck.
Poster abstract: Water in the cloud: Remote understanding of water
In Proc. of ACM/IEEE 2nd International Conference on
Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI), pages 353--354, April
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Peng Li, Jonathan C. Beard, and Jeremy Buhler.
Deadlock-free buffer configuration for streaming computing.
Internationall Journal of High Performance Computing
Applications, 31(5):441--450, 2017.
[ bib |
Jonathan C. Beard, Peng Li, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
RaftLib: A C++ template library for high performance stream
parallel processing.
Internationall Journal of High Performance Computing
Applications, 31(5):391--404, 2017.
[ bib |
Stephen V. Cole and Jeremy Buhler.
MERCATOR (Mapping EnumeRATOR for CUDA) User's Manual.
Technical Report WUCSE-2016-003, Dept. of Computer Science and
Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, July 2016.
[ bib |
pdf ]
John Meier, Christopher Gill, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Combining admission and modulation decisions for wireless embedded
In Proc. of 19th IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time
Computing (ISORC), May 2016.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Roger D. Chamberlain, Mike Chambers, Darren Greenwalt, Brett Steinbrueck, and
Todd Steinbrueck.
Layered security and ease of installation for devices on the internet
of things.
In Proc. of IEEE 1st International Conference on
Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI), pages 297--300, April
Presented at 1st International Workshop on Interoperability,
Integration, and Interconnection of Internet of Things (I4T), Berlin,
[ bib |
pdf ]
Michael J. Hall and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Using M/G/1 queueing models with vacations to analyze virtualized
logic computations.
In Proc. of 33rd IEEE International Conference on Computer
Design (ICCD), pages 86--93, October 2015.
[ bib |
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John L. Meier.
Spectrum Management using Markov Decision Processes.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington
University in St. Louis, August 2015.
[ bib |
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Jonathan C. Beard.
Online Modeling and Tuning of Parallel Stream Processing
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington
University in St. Louis, August 2015.
[ bib |
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Jonathan C. Beard, Cooper Epstein, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Online automated reliability classification of queueing models for
streaming processing using support vector machines.
In Proc.of 21st International European Conference on Parallel
and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 82--93. August 2015.
[ bib |
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Jonathan C. Beard and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Run time approximation of non-blocking service rates for streaming
In Proc. of IEEE 17th International Conference on High
Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), pages 792--797, August
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pdf ]
Joseph G. Wingbermuehle, Ron K. Cytron, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Superoptimizing memory subsystems for multiple objectives.
In Proc. of 4th International Workshop on On-chip Memory
Hierarchies and Interconnects (OMHI), volume 9523 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 352--363. August 2015.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Michael J. Hall.
Utilizing Magnetic Tunnel Junction Devices in Digital
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington
University in St. Louis, May 2015.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Joseph G. Wingbermuehle, Ron K. Cytron, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Superoptimized memory subsystems for streaming applications.
In Proc. of ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on
Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), pages 126--135, February 2015.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Jonathan C. Beard, Cooper Epstein, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Automated reliability classification of queueing models for streaming
In Proc. of 6th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance
Engineering (ICPE), pages 325--328, February 2015.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Jonathan C. Beard, Peng Li, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
RaftLib: A C++ template library for high performance stream
parallel processing.
In Proc. of 6th International Workshop on Programming Models and
Applications for Multicores and Manycores (PMAM), pages 96--105, February
[ bib |
pdf ]
Peng Li, Jonathan Beard, and Jeremy Buhler.
Deadlock-free buffer configuration for stream computing.
In Proc. of Int'l Workshop on Programming Models and
Applications for Multicores and Manycores (PMAM), pages 164--169, 2015.
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Stephen Cole and Jeremy Buhler.
The function-centric model: Supporting SIMD execution of streaming
In Proc. of 5th Workshop on Data-flow Execution Models for
Extreme Scale Computing (DFM), 2015.
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pdf ]
Lin Ma.
Modeling Algorithm Performance on Highly-threaded Many-core
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington
University in St. Louis, December 2014.
[ bib |
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Peng Li.
The Synchronized Filtering Dataflow.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington
University in St. Louis, December 2014.
[ bib |
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Peng Li, Kunal Agrawal, Jeremy Buhler, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Orchestrating safe streaming computations with precise control.
In Proc. of International Workshop on Extreme Scale Computing
Application Enablement - Modeling and Tools (ESCAPE), December 2014.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Jonathan C. Beard and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Use of a Levy distribution for modeling best case execution time
In A. Horváth and K. Wolter, editors, Computer Performance
Engineering, volume 8721 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages
74--88. Springer International Publishing, September 2014.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Lin Ma, K Agrawal, and RD Chamberlain.
Analysis of classic algorithms on gpus.
In Proc. of the 12th ACM/IEEE Int’l Conf. on High Performance
Computing and Simulation (HPCS), pages 65--73, July 2014.
[ bib |
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Lin Ma, R.D. Chamberlain, and K. Agrawal.
Performance modeling for highly-threaded many-core gpus.
In Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors
(ASAP), 2014 IEEE 25th International Conference on, pages 84--91, June 2014.
[ bib |
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M.J. Hall and R.D. Chamberlain.
Performance modeling of virtualized custom logic computations.
In Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors
(ASAP), 2014 IEEE 25th International Conference on, pages 72--73, June 2014.
[ bib |
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Stephen V. Cole, Jacob R. Gardner, and Jeremy D. Buhler.
WOODSTOCC: Extracting latent parallelism from a DNA sequence
aligner on a GPU.
In Proc. of 13th IEEE Int'l Symp. on Parallel and Distributed
Computing, pages 197--204, 2014.
[ bib |
Michael J Hall and Roger D Chamberlain.
Performance modeling of virtualized custom logic computations.
In Proc. of 24th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, pages
89--90, 2014.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Joseph G. Wingbermuehle, Ron K. Cytron, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Superoptimization of memory subsystems.
In Proc. of SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers
and Tools for Embedded Systems, LCTES '14, pages 145--154, 2014.
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Lin Ma, Kunal Agrawal, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
A memory access model for highly-threaded many-core architectures.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 30:202--215, January 2014.
[ bib |
John Meier, Benjamin Karaus, Sreeharsha Sistla, Terry Tidwell, Roger D
Chamberlain, and Christopher Gill.
Assessing the appropriateness of using Markov decision processes
for RF spectrum management.
In Proc. of 16th ACM International Conference on Modeling,
Analysis & Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, pages 41--48. ACM,
November 2013.
[ bib |
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Shobana Padmanabhan, Yixin Chen, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Unchaining in design-space optimization of streaming applications.
In Proc. of Workshop on Data-Flow Execution Models for Extreme
Scale Computing, September 2013.
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Joseph G. Wingbermuehle, Ron K. Cytron, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Compiling for power with ScalaPipe.
Journal of Systems Architecture, 59(8):615--625, September
[ bib |
Jonathan C. Beard and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Analysis of a simple approach to modeling performance for streaming
data applications.
In Proc. of IEEE Int'l Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and
Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, pages 345--349, August
[ bib |
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Presentations/MASCOTS_2013.pdf ]
Joseph G. Wingbermuehle, Ron K. Cytron, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Optimization of application-specific memories.
Computer Architecture Letters, April 2013.
[ bib |
Jonathan C. Beard and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Use of simple analytic performance models of streaming data
applications deployed on diverse architectures.
In Proc. of Int'l Symp. on Performance Analysis of Systems and
Software, pages 138--139, April 2013.
[ bib |
pdf |
Posters/ISPASS_2013.pdf ]
Shobana Padmanabhan, Yixin Chen, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Decomposition techniques for optimal design-space exploration of
streaming applications.
In Proc. of 18th ACM SIGPLAN Symp. on Principles and Practice
of Parallel Programming, February 2013.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Peng Li and Jeremy Buhler.
Polyhedral constraints for bounded-memory execution of synchronized
filtering data flow.
In Proc. of Workshop on Data Flow Execution Models for
Extreme-Scale Computing, pages 29--37, 2013.
[ bib |
Lin Ma, Kunal Agrawal, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
A memory access model for highly-threaded many-core architectures.
In Proc. of IEEE 18th International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 339--347, December 2012.
[ bib |
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Shobana Padmanabhan, Yixin Chen, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Convexity in non-convex optimizations of streaming applications.
In Proc. of 18th IEEE Int'l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed
Systems, pages 668--675, December 2012.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Lin Ma and Roger D. Chamberlain.
A performance model for memory bandwidth constrained applications on
graphics engines.
In Proc. 23rd IEEE Int'l Conf. on Application-specific
Systems, Architectures and Processors, pages 24--31, July 2012.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Joseph G. Wingbermuehle, Roger D. Chamberlain, and Ron K. Cytron.
ScalaPipe: A streaming application generator.
In Proc. Symp. on Application Accelerators in High-Performance
Computing, July 2012.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Jeremy D. Buhler, Kunal Agrawal, Peng Li, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Efficient deadlock avoidance for streaming computation with
In Proc. 17th ACM SIGPLAN Symp. on Principles and Practice of
Parallel Programming, pages 235--246, February 2012.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Joseph M. Lancaster, Joseph G. Wingbermuehle, Jonathan C. Beard, and Roger D.
Crossing boundaries in TimeTrial: Monitoring communications across
architecturally diverse computing platforms.
In Proc. 9th IEEE/IFIP Int'l Conf. Embedded and Ubiquitous
Computing, October 2011.
[ bib |
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Lin Ma, Roger D. Chamberlain, Jeremy D. Buhler, and Mark A. Franklin.
Bloom filter performance on graphics engines.
In Proc. of 40th International Conference on Parallel
Processing, pages 522--531, September 2011.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Shobana Padmanabhan, Yixin Chen, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Optimal design-space exploration of streaming applications.
In Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Application-specific Systems,
Architectures and Processors, pages 227--230, September 2011.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Joseph M. Lancaster, Joseph G. Wingbermuehle, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Asking for performance: Exploiting developer intuition to guide
instrumentation with TimeTrial.
In Proc. 13th Int'l Conf. High Performance Computing and
Communications, September 2011.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Joseph M. Lancaster, E. F. Berkley Shands, Jeremy D. Buhler, and Roger D.
TimeTrial: A low-impact performance profiler for streaming data
In Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. on Application-specific Systems,
Architectures and Processors, September 2011.
[ bib |
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Joseph M. Lancaster.
Low-Impact Profiling of Streaming, Hetergeneous Applications.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington
University in St. Louis, August 2011.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Michael J. Hall, Viktor Gruev, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Noise analysis of a current-mode read circuit for sensing magnetic
tunnel junction resistance.
In Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and
Systems, pages 1816--1819, May 2011.
[ bib |
pdf ]
A. Jacob.
Parallelization of Dynamic Programming Recurrences in
Computational Biology.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington
University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, December 2010.
[ bib |
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Rahav Dor, Joseph M. Lancaster, Mark A. Franklin, Jeremy Buhler, and Roger D.
Using queuing theory to model streaming applications.
In Proc. of 2010 Symposium on Application Accelerators in High
Performance Computing, July 2010.
[ bib ]
Peng Li, Kunal Agrawal, Jeremy Buhler, Roger D. Chamberlain, and Joseph M.
Deadlock-avoidance for streaming applications with split-join
structure: Two case studies.
In Proc. 21st IEEE Int'l Conf. Application-specific Systems,
Architectures and Processors, pages 333--336, July 2010.
[ bib |
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Shobana Padmanabhan, Yixin Chen, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Design-space optimization for automatic acceleration of streaming
In Proc. Symposium on Application Accelerators in High
Performance Computing, July 2010.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Joseph M. Lancaster and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Crossing timezones in the TimeTrial performance monitor.
In Proc. Symposium on Application Accelerators in High
Performance Computing, July 2010.
[ bib |
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Peng Li, Kunal Agrawal, Jeremy Buhler, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Deadlock avoidance for streaming computation with filtering.
In Proc. 22nd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and
Architectures, pages 243--252, June 2010.
[ bib |
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Roger D. Chamberlain, Jeremy Buhler, Mark Franklin, and James H. Buckley.
Application-guided tool development for architecturally diverse
In Proc. Symp. on Applied Computing, pages 496--501, March
[ bib |
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Roger D. Chamberlain, Mark A. Franklin, Eric J. Tyson, James H. Buckley, Jeremy
Buhler, Greg Galloway, Saurabh Gayen, Michael Hall, E.F. Berkley Shands, and
Naveen Singla.
Auto-Pipe: Streaming applications on architecturally diverse
Computer, 43(3):42--49, March 2010.
[ bib |
A. Jacob, J. Buhler, and R. Chamberlain.
Rapid RNA folding: Analysis and acceleration of the Zuker
In Proc. of 18th IEEE Int'l Symposium on Field-Programmable
Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), pages 87--94, 2010.
[ bib ]
A. Jacob, J. Buhler, and R. Chamberlain.
Design of throughput-optimized arrays from recurrence abstractions.
In Proc. of 21st IEEE Int'l Conf. Application-specific
Systems, Architectures and Processors, pages 133--40, 2010.
[ bib ]
Joseph M. Lancaster, Jeremy D. Buhler, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Efficient runtime performance monitoring of FPGA-based
In Proc. 22nd IEEE Int'l System-on-Chip Conf., pages 23--28,
September 2009.
[ bib |
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Todd S. Sproull.
Design and Evaluation of Distributed Algorithms for Placement
of Network Services.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington
University in St. Louis, August 2009.
[ bib |
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J. Lancaster, J. Buhler, and R. D. Chamberlain.
Acceleration of ungapped extension in Mercury BLAST.
Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems, 33(4):281--289,
June 2009.
[ bib |
Michela Becchi and Patrick Crowley.
Efficient regular expression evaluation: Theory to practice.
In Proc. ACM/IEEE Symp. on Architectures for Networking and
Communications Systems, pages 50--59, November 2008.
[ bib |
Naveen Singla, Michael Hall, Berkley Shands, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Financial Monte Carlo simulation on architecturally diverse
In Proc. Workshop on High Performance Computational Finance,
November 2008.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Eric J. Tyson, James Buckley, Mark A. Franklin, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Acceleration of atmospheric Cherenkov telescope signal processing
to real-time speed with the Auto-Pipe design system.
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research A,
585(2):474--479, October 2008.
[ bib |
Michela Becchi, Mark A. Franklin, and Patrick Crowley.
A workload for evaluating deep packet inspection architectures.
In Proc. IEEE Int'l Symp. on Workload Characterization, pages
79--89, September 2008.
[ bib |
Justin Bedings.
Software and Hardware Acceleration of the Genomic Motif Finding Tool
Master's thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis, August 2008.
[ bib |
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Arpith Jacob, Joseph Lancaster, Jeremy Buhler, Brandon Harris, and Roger D.
Mercury BLASTP: Accelerating protein sequence alignment.
ACM Trans. Reconfigurable Technol. Syst., 1(2):1--44, June
[ bib |
Roger D. Chamberlain, Joseph Lancaster, and Ron Cytron.
Visions for application development on hybrid computing systems.
Parallel Computing, 34(4-5):201--216, May 2008.
[ bib |
Saurabh Gayen.
X-Sim and X-Eval: Tools for simulation and analysis of
heterogeneous pipelined architectures.
Master's thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis, May 2008.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Joseph Lancaster, Ron Cytron, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Understanding the performance of streaming applications deployed on
hybrid systems.
In Proc. Next Generation Software Workshop, April 2008.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Praveen Krishnamurthy and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Analytic performance models for bounded queueing systems.
In Proc. Workshop on Advances of Parallel and Distributed
Computing Models, April 2008.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Saurabh Gayen, Mark A. Franklin, Eric J. Tyson, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Simulation of streaming applications on multicore systems.
In Proc. 3rd Workshop on Software Tools for MultiCore Systems,
April 2008.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Michela Becchi and Patrick Crowley.
An improved algorithm to accelerate regular expression evaluation.
In Proc. ACM/IEEE Symp. on Architectures for Networking and
Communications Systems, pages 145--154, December 2007.
[ bib |
Roger D. Chamberlain, Eric J. Tyson, Saurabh Gayen, Mark A. Franklin, Jeremy
Buhler, Patrick Crowley, and James Buckley.
Application development on hybrid systems.
In Proc. ACM/IEEE Conf. on Supercomputing, November 2007.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Praveen Krishnamurthy, Jeremy Buhler, Roger Chamberlain, Mark Franklin, Kwame
Gyang, Arpith Jacob, and Joseph Lancaster.
Biosequence similarity search on the Mercury system.
Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, 49(1):101--121, October
[ bib |
Roger D. Chamberlain and Berkley Shands.
Direct-attached disk subsystem performance assessment.
In Proc. 4th Int'l Workshop on Storage Network Architecture and
Parallel I/Os, September 2007.
[ bib |
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Roger D. Chamberlain and Berkley Shands.
Performance of direct attached disk subsystems.
In Proc. 11th High Performance Embedded Computing Workshop,
September 2007.
[ bib |
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Roger D. Chamberlain and Mark A. Franklin.
Automatic deployment of streaming applications on hybrid
In Proc. 11th High Performance Embedded Computing Workshop,
September 2007.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Brandon Harris, Arpith C. Jacob, Joseph M. Lancaster, Jeremy Buhler, and
Roger D. Chamberlain.
A banded Smith-Waterman FPGA accelerator for Mercury BLASTP.
In Proc. 17th Int'l Conf. on Field Programmable Logic and
Applications (FPL), August 2007.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Jeremy D. Buhler, Joseph M. Lancaster, Arpith C. Jacob, and Roger D.
Mercury BLASTN: Faster DNA sequence comparison using a streaming
hardware architecture.
In Proc. Reconfigurable Systems Summer Institute, July 2007.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Saurabh Gayen, Eric J. Tyson, Mark A. Franklin, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
A federated simulation environment for hybrid systems.
In Proc. 21st Int'l Workshop on Principles of Advanced and
Distributed Simulation, June 2007.
[ bib |
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Michela Becchi, Mark A. Franklin, and Patrick Crowley.
Performance/area efficiency in chip multiprocessors with
In Proc. ACM Int'l Conf. on Computing Frontiers, pages
247--258, May 2007.
[ bib |
Arpith Jacob, Joseph Lancaster, Jeremy Buhler, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
FPGA-accelerated seed generation in Mercury BLASTP.
In Proc. 15th IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom
Computing Machines, April 2007.
[ bib |
pdf ]
A. Jacob, J. Lancaster, J. Buhler, and R. Chamberlain.
Preliminary results in accelerating profile HMM search on FPGAs.
In Proc. 6th IEEE Int'l Workshop on High Performance
Computational Biology, March 2007.
[ bib ]
Jeremy D Buhler, Joseph M Lancaster, Arpith C Jacob, Roger D Chamberlain,
et al.
Mercury blastn: Faster dna sequence comparison using a streaming
hardware architecture.
Proc. of Reconfigurable Systems Summer Institute, 2007.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Praveen Krishnamurthy.
Performance Evaluation for Hybrid Architectures.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington
University in St. Louis, December 2006.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Saurabh Gayen, Eric J. Tyson, Mark A. Franklin, Roger D. Chamberlain, and
Patrick Crowley.
X-Sim: A federated heterogeneous simulation environment.
In Proc. 10th High Performance Embedded Computing Workshop,
September 2006.
[ bib |
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Roger D. Chamberlain, Mark A. Franklin, and Ronald S. Indeck.
Exploiting reconfigurability for text search.
In Proc. 10th High Performance Embedded Computing Workshop,
September 2006.
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Patrick Crowley, Mark A. Franklin, Jeremy Buhler, and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Impact of CMP design on high-performance embedded computing.
In Proc. 10th High Performance Embedded Computing Workshop,
September 2006.
[ bib |
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Eric J. Tyson.
Auto-Pipe and the X language: A toolset and language for the
simulation, analysis, and synthesis of heterogeneous pipelined architectures.
Master's thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis, August 2006.
[ bib |
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Rahul P. Maddimsetty, Jeremy Buhler, Roger D. Chamberlain, Mark A. Franklin,
and Brandon Harris.
Accelerator design for protein sequence HMM search.
In Proc. 20th ACM Int'l Conf. on Supercomputing, June 2006.
[ bib |
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Rahul P. Maddimsetty.
Acceleration of profile-HMM search for protein sequences in
reconfigurable hardware.
Master's thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis, May 2006.
[ bib |
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Michela Becchi and Patrick Crowley.
Dynamic thread assignment on heterogeneous multiprocessor
In Proc. ACM Int'l Conf. on Computing Frontiers, pages 29--40,
May 2006.
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Gary Stiehr and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Improving cluster utilization through intelligent processor sharing.
In Proc. 2nd Workshop on System Management Tools for
Large-Scale Parallel Systems, April 2006.
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Mark A. Franklin, Eric J. Tyson, James Buckley, Patrick Crowley, and John
Auto-pipe and the X language: A pipeline design tool and
description language.
In Proc. Int'l Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp.,
April 2006.
[ bib |
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Mark A. Franklin, Patrick Crowley, Roger D. Chamberlain, Jeremy Buhler, and
James H. Buckley.
Application development for hybrid pipelined systems.
In Proc. 9th High Performance Embedded Computing Workshop,
September 2005.
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Roger D. Chamberlain and Berkley Shands.
Streaming data from disk store to application.
In Proc. 3rd Int'l Workshop on Storage Network Architecture and
Parallel I/Os, pages 17--23, September 2005.
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B. Wun, J. Buhler, and P. Crowley.
Exploiting coarse-grained parallelism to accelerate protein motif
finding with a network processor.
In Proc. of 14th Int'l Conf. on Parallel Architectures and
Compilation Techniques (PACT), pages 173--184, 2005.
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Mark A. Franklin, Roger D. Chamberlain, Michael Henrichs, Berkley Shands, and
Jason White.
An architecture for fast processing of large unstructured data sets.
In Proc. IEEE 22nd Int'l Conf. on Computer Design, pages
280--287, October 2004.
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Roger Chamberlain, Berkley Shands, and Jason White.
Achieving real data throughput for an FPGA co-processor on
commodity server platforms.
In Proc. 1st Workshop on Building Block Engine Architectures
for Computers and Networks, October 2004.
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Praveen Krishnamurthy, Jeremy Buhler, Roger Chamberlain, Mark Franklin, Kwame
Gyang, and Joseph Lancaster.
Biosequence similarity search on the Mercury system.
In Proc. the IEEE 15th Int'l Conf. on Application-Specific
Systems, Architectures and Processors, pages 365--375, September 2004.
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Michael D. DeVore, Roger D. Chamberlain, George L. Engel, Joseph A. O'Sullivan,
and Mark A. Franklin.
Tradeoffs between quality of results and resource consumption in a
recognition system.
In Proc. of IEEE Int'l Conf. on Application-specific Systems,
Architectures and Processors, pages 391--402, July 2002.
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Bradley L. Noble and Roger D. Chamberlain.
Performance model for speculative simulation using predictive
In Proc. of Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences, volume 8, January 1999.
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Roger D. Chamberlain and Mark A. Franklin.
Performance effects of synchronization in parallel processors.
In Proc. of 5th Symp. on Parallel and Distributed Processing,
pages 611--616, December 1993.
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